Saturday, January 08, 2005

Jayson Blair's a saint...

... compared to this asshole.

I'm going to wax serious for a moment here. Journalism, as a profession, is getting more and more fucked up by the day. Thanks to Mr. Williams, I can't blame anyone for wondering, whenever they read a news story or op-ed favorable to the government, if the writer was bought off. It's no longer unimaginable. And I don't blame the administration -- Clinton's people are probably kicking themselves for not thinking of it. Or perhaps they just didn't get found out. Anything's possible now.

This is way more damaging to my line of work than jerks like Blair and USA Today's Jack Kelley making shit up. In fact, I don't think it's hyperbole at all to argue that this incident extends beyond journalism; it's damaging to the very republic. When reporters aren't even publishing fiction independent of the government, well, we're truly screwed.

I need more drinks than usual.

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