Friday, February 04, 2005

Safely not on my beat

I'm going to be frank: If you don't "believe" in evolution, you are a moron. And if you are a teacher in a school with evolution in the curriculum, yet you don't teach it, you are either a moron or a chickenshit.

Here's the quick evolution-versus-Creationism primer:

Yes, evolution is a theory. So is gravity. Do you "believe" in gravity? Because "believe" it or not, no one has proved why gravity is what it is.

Creationism, on the other hand, is not a theory. It's a hypothesis. Key difference: It can't be tested. It's based on faith. Which is fine, for theology. For science, not so much.

Ah, the Creationist screams: Evolution can't be observed, and thus can't be tested! Wrong-o on both counts, dumbass. (Having read it in print, I assure you that the NatGeo article is worth finding or buying -- and that it concludes, without doubt, that the answer to its own headline is "no, you moron.")

So, to the scaredy-pants teachers: If your principal or superintendent frowns on teaching evolution, grow some goddamn sack and teach the hell out of it anyway. If they fire you, sue. The ACLU and countless other organizations, I am sure, will happily leap to your defense.

And to the teachers who don't "believe" in evolution: Might I suggest the clergy as a career?

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