Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Mother Nature's a wicked bitch

Let's get this out of the way right up front: I feel really, really bad for the xx-thousands of families who lost people in the Indian Ocean tsunami. A tragedy of epic proportions.

But if my sympathy sounds a little perfunctory to you, then you might know me too well. Because good Lord help me, I love a natural disaster.

Volcanoes, earthquakes, asteroids -- hell, even hurricanes ravaging my home state and threatening my family. I can't get enough. I'm like an idiot buying tickets to a Jerry Bruckheimer movie -- again and again and again.

This particular disaster has resulted in 50,000 deaths and counting, untold thousands of injuries, and billions of dollars in damages. Awful? Yes. Am I sympathetic? Sure. Really. Would I want it to happen to my family? No way. But is it totally awesome? You're damn right it is.

Let's be honest, folks. It's just us talking. And I say it is more than a just a little bit dazzling and humbling and awe-inspiring and -- hell, I'm gonna use the word -- entertaining when Mother Nature rears back and sucker-punches humanity. This is way different from 19 assholes flying planes into buildings, or untold thousands of deaths from a foreign war we might not support.
If you die from an act of man -- well, that could have and probably should have been avoided, and that makes me angry. But this here is nature. When you die from an act of God -- well, mister, it was damn sure your time to go. No way around it, and no one to blame.

Update: A Sports Illustrated swimsuit model with whom I had a brief, torrid affair -- even if she wasn't actually, y'know, physically present for it -- survived the tsunami by clinging to a palm tree for eight hours. Man is that sexy. Her boyfriend, however, is missing. Her boyfriend is a 33-year-old British fashion photographer. I'm thinking the Devil may have just collected on a certain transaction. No hard feelings, chap -- I'd have happily made the same Nemcovian bargain.

Special update: I felt so guilty about having fun at the expense of more than 115,000 lives that I made a contribution -- albeit a small one -- to the Red Cross. Man do I feel better. And I'm officially Better Than You. Bonus!


Chewie said...

The angry planet is fascinating, indeed.

We deserve it, you know. Not the individuals who died -- they didn't deserve it, but we, as a species, deserve it. We breed like cockroaches, overtax our ecosystem, destroy the air and water, and then expect nothing bad to ever happen to us.

That said, the losses are horrifying. Especially today's news that at least 1/3 were children.

Anonymous said...

I hate to be a bitch, but I'm going to be...
Mother Nature gives what it gets, maybe if people care more all these bad things wouldn't happen. Anyway what do you think is going to happen when to many humans walk the earth... I'm just glad I'm not around to see it.
Now that I'm done be bitchy you can help out by going to http://www.networkforgood.org/topics/international/earthquake/tsunami122604.aspx?source=AOL&cmpgn=CRS so go show you care!

alex said...

Hey Dave, thanks for visiting -- hope Jinni's as well as can be.

Covering Isabel was a helluva good time.

Di Gallagher said...

And here I was feeling a little guilty about, um, enjoying the spectacle...please don't tell anyone!