Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Pop culture recommendation of the week -- er, month. Or year. Whatever


I'm a sucker for post-apocalypse stories. Did a book report on The Stand in high school; loved the Fallout series of games; can't get enough plagues, alien invasions and zombies in my pop-culture diet.

And I generally consider CBS the geezer network, so it's a surprise that CBS, of all networks, would do post-apocalypse so well. Of course, when George Hearst is your lead actor, it's hard to go wrong.

Anyhow, they're about to wrap up the first season of Jericho, and it's a nail-biter. What could be better than two small Kansas towns going to war with each other after 24 American cities have been nuked by terrorists and the government has collapsed? Nothing, that's what.

Please watch, because otherwise CBS is probably going to cancel it.

Update: (Caution, spoiler ahead.) They killed off McRaney. I understand how his character's death advances the plot, but jeez, he was by far the strongest actor on the show. Not sure that was the best way to go.

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