Saturday, February 07, 2009

Been a while, eh?

Some things that have happened since last we spoke:

1. My alma mater won another football championship. We rule. However, I sympathize with people who say that Utah, or USC, or even Texas (a far weaker argument) ought to be recognized as the "real" national champions. Florida is merely the BCS champion. Which is still more than the Utes can say, so suck it.

2. Charlie LeDuff wrote the best piece of journalism I've read so far this year. LeDuff is an interesting story. He won a Pulitzer at the New York Times for writing this. Then he left the paper, under kind of myterious circumstances, and landed at the Detroit News. I like to think that he figured a city as awful as Detroit can't help but be full of great stories.

3. We got a new president. I was on the Mall for the inauguration (working, I'm afraid). It was crowded and very cold. And to those folks who say there shouldn't be money in this "economic stimulus" bill to fix up the National Mall, I say, have you seen the place lately? It looks like a bomb went off. Is that what you want the nation's premier national park to look like?

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