Sunday, December 14, 2008

What an idiot.

I don't know who this Charles Blow moron is, but this is the most facile thing I've read this weekend.

Unless it results in unsafe sex (and Blow concedes from the outset that "hooking up" doesn't), who gives a shit about youth social relationships, beyond a puerile or academic interest? Of all the things I worry about today, the "demise of dating" doesn't even make the fucking list. I'm ashamed that the Times gave him space to write.

Although they did manage to get me ranting about it, so I suppose that might count as a successful op-ed...

Also: Unless they've been living in a closet the last twenty years, anyone under the age of 45 -- not 30 -- probably knows all about "hooking up." Your correspondent most certainly included.


Anonymous said...

Actually some of us antiquated relics over 45 know what "hooking up" means--assuming we can read that is.

What is amazing to me (always) is that academics actually get grant money/research funding to study the mating habits of humans!

alex said...

I like to believe that my mother has no personal knowledge of "hooking up," thanks.