Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Almost too ironic for words

Yeah, yeah, been a long time, I know. Life's been hectic, or something. But sometimes you read something that you just HAVE to blog about, even when your blog has stringent rules about commenting on people or issues you might encounter in your profession ....

So, with a minimum of commentary, I link to this report: "White House slams media role
in Quran furor
." The lead is classic:

The White House said Tuesday that the U.S. image abroad had suffered irreparable damage from a now-retracted Newsweek article alleging that American interrogators at Guantanamo Bay desecrated the Quran, the Muslim holy book.

I mean, not to suggest that Newsweek didn't totally fuck up here, or that the media shouldn't seriously reconsider how we use anonymous sources. But was this incident worse than, hmm, I dunno -- a bunch of dipshit American soldiers stripping Iraqi prisoners naked, piling them into pyramids and pretending to wire their dicks to car batteries?

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